Dallas (469) 225-0451


December Update

Message from the Founder Warmest regards, Beau Charlet Franchisee: Plantation Greetings to everyone who has the pleasure of reading our monthly newsletter. Happy holidays! Happy New Year! Accurate Serve Plantation is moving into our 5th year since we first opened doors for business. We know this will be a major milestone for our office and just being a small business in general. We couldn’t have done so well without our loyal clients and other franchisees we have the opportunity to

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November Newsletter

Message from the Founder Computation of Time and an FYI This month we are going to touch on computation of time. As you can see below, we have referenced Rule 1.090 of Civil Procedure. Colorado Rules of Civil Procedure RULE 1.090 TIME (a) Computation. In computing any period of time prescribed or allowed by these rules, by order of court, or by any applicable statute, the day of the act, event, or default from which the designated period of time

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October Newsletter

Message from the Founder Update on E-Signing We did a Newsletter article in June 2019 about the signing of House Bill 91, and it’s ramifications.  One of those, was the fact that process servers could now e-sign their Returns in lieu of printing the Return, signing it and then scanning.  Once the new law had taken place, our software programmer worked diligently in incorporating an e-sign feature through the App our Servers use to update service jobs.  In the past

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September Newsletter

Message from the Founder Back to School Special All over the country, boys and girls of all ages are returning to the classrooms to broaden their minds and increase their knowledge bases. Below are a few categories of those ages and how it can affect or relate to service of process. K – 8: What I want to touch on here is routines. If you are a parent, you generally wake up at the same time to get kids ready

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August Newsletter

Message from the Founder Recharge Those Batteries Earlier this month our team had the great pleasure of coming together for our annual franchise retreat. This year’s Retreat was in St. Augustine, FL. The weekend started with a group dinner at Beaches of Vilano. After that, it was to the historic downtown area where many of the local drinking establishments were visited. The next day started with a historical Segway tour of the city, which was awesome. Did you know there

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July Update

Message from the Founder Trademark Registered  As we just passed the mid-way point of our 10th year in business, we continue to strive for 100% customer satisfaction. Serving your papers quickly and accurately is our number one concern. From e-filing to new technology to House Bill 91, Accurate Serve® stays committed to improving our service to better serve you. Well, another way we can improve our organization is to strengthen it to it’s core. So, we are happy to say it

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How to Find and Hire the Best Process Server

When you need papers served, you have two options. You can have the sheriff’s department serve the papers or you can hire a private process server. If you have the sheriff’s department serve the papers, you may have a higher risk of not getting the papers served at all or having them not served in a timely manner. Yet with a private process server, there are also some things to consider. Check with the Courts If you don’t know where

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Three Signs of a Trustworthy Process Server

When you hire a private process server to serve papers in your case, you want to know that you are hiring someone who is trustworthy. Untrustworthy process servers engage in gutter serves and other practices that are illegal, against regulations, and can harm your case. Here are three signs that you are working with a trustworthy process server that will serve your papers quickly and accurately. Success Rate Any private process server who claims they have served 100 percent of

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June Newsletter

Message from the Founder Colorado House Bill 91 Has Been Signed Over the past several years, our state association (FAPPS) has been working our our lobbyist to amend some of the verbiage in the Statutes that pertain to service of process. While some of the changes are minimal, such as changing the wording from may to shall in 48.021, some changes are pretty big. One of the big changes is that Process Servers are now allowed to electronically sign Returns

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May Newsletter

Message from the Founder The 2019 NAPPS Convention found it’s way to Orlando, FL this year. The Accurate Serve team was out in full force. The Convention kicked off Thursday May 2 with the annual NAPPS golf tournament. Accurate Serve put together one fierce foursome: Beau Charlet, Brandon Muscato, Brennan Fogarty and Derek Keating (see pic, pictured from left to right). The best ball tournament was won by this AS team with an amazing score of -10 under par. After

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