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How to Get the Most Out of Your Process Server

When you hire a private process server, it is because you feel that they are the right person to get your papers served quickly and accurately. Yet there are a lot of things that you can do to help your private process server do the best and fastest job possible. Here are some tips for getting the most out of your process server. Photograph or Physical Description Many people do not want to be served. People will often tell a

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April Newsletter

Message from the Founder Recent FAPPS Convention & Learning Opportunities The Colorado Association of Professional Process Servers (FAPPS) recently held their annual convention in Lake Mary, FL. The convention was well attended by the Accurate Serve family. Friday night’s reception leads in to the poker tournament where Team Member Josh Kes, from our Daytona Beach office, placed third. He has finished in the top 3, 2 of the past 3 years. Saturday’s events include educational classes, a luncheon and an

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Three Signs You Should Invest in a Private Process Server

As a legal professional, you have a lot on your plate. Whether you are an attorney, a paralegal, or a legal secretary, the burden of making sure that papers are served falls on you. In order to keep yourself from being overwhelmed or missing out on other tasks that need to be done, it might be better to switch from the sheriff to a private process server. Here are three signs that you should invest in a private process server.

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March Newsletter

Message from the Founder It’s Official! We have exciting news, Accurate Serve of Denver will be open for business April 1, 2019. New Owner/Operator, Jared Williams, is currently attending franchise training. Jared is a great addition to the Accurate Serve family and we are happy to have him on board. Accurate Serve of Denver will cover the entire 8th Circuit, and Putnam County, for the AS team. So, if you are an Attorney in one of these counties: Alachua, Baker,

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Three Things to Look for in a Colorado Process Server

When you have a court case, whether it be an eviction, a lawsuit, or a family matter, you want to make sure that everything goes as smoothly as possible. One of the aspects of your case that you want to give careful consideration to is how your papers will be served and who will serve them. Accurate service of process is an important and necessary part of almost any court case. When you want to make sure things are going

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February Newsletter

Message from the Founder The Groundhog Results Every February 2, the world turns to the groundhog to predict the weather and either gives us good news or bad. Luckily for us, this year, Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow. Great news one and all, an early spring is in store for us. What does that mean for the process serving industry? Well, in FL, not much. But for our colleagues in the northern states, this is great news.  Some states

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Questions to Ask a Process Server Before Hire

When you need to have papers served to someone, you want to make sure that they are going to be served properly. Failure to serve papers, or delivering them incorrectly, can greatly hinder your court case. Before hiring a process server in Port St. Lucie, ask these questions to make sure you’re hiring the right person for the job. What is Your Success Rate? No process server can 100 percent guarantee that they will be able to serve papers successfully.

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January Newsletter

Message from the Founder To the Power of 10 Happy New Year!!!! 2019 marks an important year for us here at Accurate Serve. Accurate Serve was founded in Lakeland, FL in 2009.  So, this is our 10th year in business, proudly serving the legal community. Accurate Serve has grown from a one man operation serving 624 papers in Year 1 to over 35 offices in FL (and 1 in AL) and 54,342 papers served in 2018. Our team of Owners/Operators

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What Else Do Process Servers Do?

Process servers are best known for delivering legal documents to the homes of strangers and declaring the infamous words, “You’ve been served.” While this service of process is the most prominent responsibility among process servers, they also maintain other essential legal responsibilities. Document Retrievals If there’s one thing the court system generates on a daily basis, it’s documents. Every motion, filing, briefing, verdict, or claim within a jurisdiction leads to a document being filed at the county clerk’s office. The

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Service of Process Can Pose Real Dangers

There are certain jobs that are well known for their tendency to place employees into harm’s way. Police officers, firefighters, and members of the military all put their lives on the line each day to serve their fellow citizens. One profession that rarely receives enough attention for its dangerous qualities is that of a process server.   Process servers are responsible for serving official court documents to people involved in some type of legal matter. Documents range from divorce papers

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